THAT’S A WRAP on the 2024 competition season !!! 👏👏
A huge thank you to @dancersinccomp for allowing us to end our season on such a high note. Jazz Unlimited was given the honor of being the TOP scoring studio of the entire weekend!!!!
A special thank you to our dancers, who have worked so hard all season long. The biggest reward is seeing you all SHINE on stage ✨
To our teachers and choreographers, none of this would be possible without each and every one of you! Your passion, creativity, and guidance help shape our dancers into beautiful artists and PEOPLE.
Another very important THANK YOU to all of our dance parents and families… your dedication to JU NEVER goes unnoticed! Thank you for supporting our dancers, our studio, and for being our #1 FANS 💜
This weekend truly reminded us about how special Jazz Unlimited is, and why we love what we do. JU YOU KNOW!!!